Thriller movie suggestion #18 :Minority Report

Minority report

It is a 2002 released action thriller American movie directed by Steven Spielberg. He is one among the most successful American film makers. Most of his works are fictional. He is the director of jaws which was a critical and economical success. He is well known around the world as the director of Jurassic park, which is still a favorite of all. 
Minority Report is inspired from a short story of the same name written by Philip k dick,an American science fiction writer. 
The cast includes Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Neal McDonough, Steve Harris etc. 

This movie takes place in the very possible and grounded future of 2054. Tom Cruise plays John
Anderton a law enforcement officer working for a place called pre-crime. 3 twins called the precogs have the ability to see murders before they occur. they predict these things before they happen sometimes way in advance if someone is able to premeditate a murder and sometimes they have a red ball in which a murder is going to occur very soon and it's Cruz and his team's job to stop these murders before they occur and in the entire time span of pre-crime. there hasn't been a single murder so it's very successful in the public eye. but the main thrust of this story happens when there's a precognition that
John Anderton himself will be a murderer. Anderton does not know this person they're saying he's going to murder and so he flees and we get a sort of fugitive story going on in which Colin Farrell as Danny Witwer is trying to track him down while John Anderton is trying to prove his innocence it's sort of like the fugitive meets Blade Runner all meshed into one and it's one of Spielberg's best film andTom Cruise movies also besides the precognition stuff. it is a future that you actually feel could happen and a lot of the technology that was utilized in this film are things that are already happening today for instance swipe technology the system the crews uses to swipe through the pre-cognitions are very very similar to the swipe technology we have now on iPads and iPhones and this is not something that existed in 2002. the eye scanning that takes place in this movie wherever you go these systems scan your eyes and remember the last thing you purchased it also makes it impossible to have any privacy or go anywhere in secret. Minority Report is a world that absolutely feels lived-in it feels like a place that actually exists and one of the things that Spielberg did with his cinematographer was specifically try to create a world that looked older and lived in and dirty despite its futuristic setting right down to the cinematographer actually quite literally bleaching the negative of the film to make it look weird and white and almost dirty and grimy and it really paid off the whites are way too high everything is glowing and shiny there's a lot of grainy handheld shots that totally sell this more dirty realistic looking future. 

Going on the run to unravel this mystery and prove his innocence, he comes across many twists and turns that force him to confront his past and rethink everything he knows about the future. First of all we have the concept of being able to predict and stop murders before they happen using that to tackle complex themes of freewill versus predeterminism and playing God by reshaping the future. what a great idea that is!  It's really not all that surprising since it comes from the mind of Philip k dick an author who specialized in cerebral sci-fi concepts like those in Blade Runner and Total Recall.

 The screenplay is exceptionally well-written containing no shortage of twists and turns that make it an entertaining piece of neo-noir .this atmosphere is further strengthened by the lighting and color scheme the high contrast and bleak blue tin go perfectly with the future which is ideal yet disconcerting in addition when it comes to directors who can take us on fantastical adventures with a sense of spectacle and wonderment you really can't get much better than Steven Spielberg. 

Minority Report is a must watch move for a thriller fan. Mostly science fiction lovers. 
It has thrills suspense etc.. 

Our rating : 8.5 out of 10

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