Best Five Thriller movies to watch if you loved ‘DARK’ series

Best Five Thriller movies to watch if you loved ‘DARK’ series 

Dark, the German sci-fi thriller series released in Netflix has now conquered the hearts of millions by its mind bending twists and story. Dark already completed two seasons, now getting ready to make its third and last season to the run. People are in quest of movies that should satisfy them as the DARK did. Dark delivers a complex story of time travel with unexpected episodes. Many movies are available in time travel genre which is more or less complex as Dark. Here we are mentioning five films, which we think, should be interesting to watch.

1) MIRAGE (2018)

It is a Spanish sci-fi thriller released on Netflix. In 1989, during an electric storm, a boy dies in a car accident while running away from a murder scene. In 2014 a similar electric storm occur and Vera, who is now living in that boy’s home, happened to contact with him in 1989 through TV, by a space-time continuum glitch. Does Vera able to save him? How does it affect rest of her life? Watch this sci-fi thriller for answers.

Our rating: 8/10


It is a sci-fi thriller starring Ethan Hawke in the lead role. A Temporal agent is assigns to travel back 1975 to prevent a bomb attack in New York. While him working as a bartender in 1975, he comes across a customer, Jane. His friendship with Jane and the after events unwrap so many mysteries and brings unexpected twists. This is actually a mind blowing, complex time travel movie as Dark series. So those were not yet seen this film should have a try.

We rate it: 8/10

3) LOOPER (2012)

Looper tells the story of Joe, who works as a ‘looper’ for Kansas City crime syndicate in the year of 2044. Loopers are those who supposed to execute and dispose the victims sent from the future by the syndicate, Because the future didn’t have proper methods to dispose the body. The story changes when Joe finds his own future as a victim to execute. And he gets more trouble when his older self escapes from him. He has to find his older version and have to execute. The movie is about the chase led by Joe and the truths about his own future. The movie is an entertaining ride with thrills and action. It will be worth to watch if you love time travel movies.

Our rating: 8/10

4) TIMECRIMES (2007)

This 2007 Spanish movie is a low budget high impact sci-fi thriller. It only has a very few characters but are important and portrayed well. Hector, a family man, while resting at his front yard notices, a woman undressing in the nearby forest, through his binocular. As he reaches the forest, she was lying there unconsciously. And he gets attacked by a mysterious man whose face covered with bandages. Hector’s further run and investigation led him to unexpected happenings. This movie is a fast paced thriller and it is recommended for thriller, time travel movie fans.

We rate it: 8/10

5) DÉJÀ VU (2006)

This American sci-fi thriller is about the investigation carried out by Special Agent Douglas Carlin concerning a ferry explosion. He is introduced to a new system which enables to look into past. During the investigation with this system he came across different events that happened before the explosion. And his try to prevent  undesired occurrences leads him to another twist. This movie is also a recommended one for thriller fans.

We rate it: 7.5/10

Hope you would like these movies. Stay connected for movie suggestions

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