Dark, the most anticipated show of 2020, is coming to an end with its third and final season. Before watching dark season 3, let’s go through an overview of the last two seasons.

The Story of Dark is a dependent of its characters itself. The confusion and excitements given by the identity of each character is the backbone of Dark and of course it can be considered as the prime reason behind the enormous success of the show. So, identifying and remembering characters are the important factors before heading to season 3.


The characters are spread between 3 time lines in season 1 with a gap of 33 years: 2019, 1986 and 1953. In season 2, there are 4 time periods 1921,1954,1987,2020 and 2053.

Main events starts with the disappearance of mikkel, son of Ulrich from the city of Winden in 2019.He travelled back to 1986 through a worm hole connecting three periods. Ines kahnwald adopt him as her son and he grown up and become Michael of 2019.Michael is married to Hannah and Jonas is their son. They all belongs to the kahnwald family

But Mikkel of 2019 is the son of Ulrich Nielsen and Katherine Nielsen. Mikkel, Martha and Magnus are siblings. Tronte Nielsen and Jana are the parents of Ulrich. Ulrich had a brother who disappeared in 1986 and not yet been found. And Agnes Neilson, Mother of Tronte can be seen in 1956. Together they constitute the Nielsen Family.

Regina Tiedemann, a hotel manager in 2019 is the wife of Alexander Tiedemann, the director of the Winden nuclear power plant. Claudia, is the mother of Regina, was the director of the power plant in 1986.Regina and Alexander has a son, Bartosz. Egon Tiedemann, the father of Claudia was the chief inspector of Winden in 1986 period. His younger version can be found in 1956 along with his wife Doris Tiedemann. They together form the Tiedemann family. 

Charlotte Doppler is the present Winden police chief (2019-20).Peter Doppler is her Husband .Elizabeth (deaf by birth) and Franzisca are their daughters. Helge Doppler is the father of Peter. His parents are Bernd Doppler and Greta Doppler, Bernd was the founder of nuclear power plant in 1956. They form the Doppler family.

Connection between the characters

Jonas, Martha, Magnus, Franzisca and Bartosz are teens in 2019-20 and are friends. Jonas and Martha were in love but later she became the lover of Bartosz. After Jonas rejoins the school, she again gets attached to Jonas. Francizca and Magnus are also in an affair.

Coming to their parents, Ulrich Nielsen and Charlotte Doppler are police officers working together. Ulrich is cheating his wife with Hannah, Jonas’s mother. Back in 1986, Hannah had a crush on Ulrich but he got attached to Katharina. These made her jealous and she faked a complaint against Ulrich by accusing him for raping Katharina. Egon, the police chief, who was not font with Ulrich, arrested him. Later Katharina justified it was not a rape and thus he get released. But Ulrich and Katharina misunderstood Regina (Granddaughter of Egon) for getting him caught with police and they treated her badly. On that events going on Mads, brother of Ulrich got missing. Claudia, the director of plant at that time, have a relation with Tronte Nielsen, Ulrich’s father.

Further going back, In 1953,we can see that little Tronte Nielsen and his  mother, Agnes Nielsen renting a room from young Egon Tiedemann and Doris Tiedemann .Thus Claudia Tiedemann and Tronte Nielsen becomes friends and the relation continued. Meanwhile Agnes and Doris become closer.

An ambiguous character present in the first season is Noah. There is no proper explanation is given to Noah in the first season, rather than he appearing in all the three years in the same physic. But in second season it is revealed that he is the brother of Agnes Nielson. Also, nothing speaks about the identity of Charlotte Doppler. Later we come to know that H.G Tannhaus, the clock maker appearing in 1953/54 as young and in 1986/87 as old is the guardian of Charlotte.


Let’s look at the important events through the perspective of main characters (Only important events are discussed)

Children start missing from Winden in 2019. Ulrich investigates Mikkel’s disappearance. A body of a boy found with the eyes damaged, but was not Mikkel. Ulrich doubts the present disappearances with the ones happened 33 years ago including his brother Mads and comes across the fact that his dad Tronte Nielsen was sleeping with Claudia Tiedemann at the time of his disappearance. This information lead him to Regina Tiedemann (Claudia’s daughter), from whom he understands that it was Hannah who cheated him in 1986.Ulrich searches Egon Tiedemann’s diary (who investigated mads missing) and understands that he planned an interview with helge Doppler in 1986 but never happened. He doubts helge for the kidnaps and follows him which led him into the worm hole. Helge travels to 1986 whereas Ulrich reaches 1953 by mistake. There he meets little helge and tries to kill him for abducting children in future and dump his body in a bunker. But before escaping, he got arrested by the police and gets trapped in 1953.Meanwhile Helge travelled back to 1986 meets his younger self. It is revealed that Young Helge is kidnapping children for Noah. Helge was manipulated by Noah for the purpose of making a time machine and testing the time machine. Noah explained to him that it is all for a good future. Older helge tries to stop his younger self but Noah had a great influence on him. So Old helge crashes into young one’s car but he got killed and young one escapes.  

Helge: little,adult,old

Meantime in 2019, Charlotte doubts her husband for lying about his activities during the time of kidnap. But the secret was that, it was Peter who found out the body of mads’s falling from nowhere into his bunker. He informed Tronte Nielsen and they met older Claudia in the bunker. She asked them help for correcting the time line. It was them who moved the body of mads into the woods. The body of different kids are turning up in the bunker at  different time due to the experiment conducted by Noah and helge at the same time in past. Time travel tunnel is right under Helge’s basement that’s why they are doing experiment there.

Jonas of 2019, find out about time travel with the silent help of his future one. Adult Jonas is wandering in 2019 and 1986.He had a time travel machine which was broken. He travel through the worm hole and meets H.G Tannhaus in 1986, where Jonas ask him to repair the machine. The machine had a sign which indicated that it was made by him. But later it is revealed that Older Claudia from future gave him a design to make such a machine (in 1953). He gives it to the adult Jonas.  Whereas, young Jonas travels back to 1986 and knows the truth about his father. He tries to bring Mikkel back but before that helge and Noah kidnap him and locks him in the experiment bunker. Where he sees his adult one and asks for help. But he refuses by saying that it should happen. Adult one goes back to 2019 and tries to destroy the worm hole using the time machine. But instead of being destroyed it closes only. The closing produces black hole above the tunnel (including the bunker) in all the three periods. This makes Jonas (at bunker in 1986) to see little helge (at the bunker in 1953, who wakes up after the attack of Ulrich) .But the space time glitch transfers Jonas to 2052(Post apocalypse Winden) and helge to the bunker in 1986.Noah then transfers little helge to 1954 (Little helge successes in travelling back unlike other kids). Thus Helge start to believe in Noah.

Jonas : young, Adult, Old (Adam)

Jonas, now in 2053, knows about the apocalypse at Winden on 27 June 2020.He wish to travel back to 2020 and stop the apocalypse by any means. But the people there believes in some prophecy and they are waiting for the opening of passage which bring them to paradise, A grown up, deaf young lady, Elizabeth Doppler (daughter of charlotte Doppler) is their leader. They try to stop Jonas from going back. He trespass into the half destroyed power plant (due to apocalypse) and sees a flooding sphere like object said to be god’s particle which he uses to go back. But unfortunately he ends up in 1921, where the tunnel is not yet been created. He meet teen Noah, who is a member of sic mundus (the time travellers).Adam is the leader of sic mundus. Later Jonas understands that Adam is his own older version who comes from future (probably 2085) for some purpose. He created a black hole similar object (like the one in the apocalyptic future) which enables time travel. He sends Jonas to 2019 to stop his father’s suicide which, he says, can change the future. But thing took a turn when Jonas meets Michael. It is revealed that it was Jonas (younger one) who brought little Mikkel to the cave (so there was two young Jonas present at 2019.Now also, the original one and returned one).Then Claudia visits them and says Michael’s suicide is necessary for the existence of Jonas and about the hidden agenda of Adam (i.e., to start the last cycle).And then he suicides, the events starts to repeat again. May be this version of younger Jonas was took Mikkel to the cave.

 Claudia Tiedemann’s older version meets younger one at 1987 and tells her about the time travel. She hides the time machine under soil in 1954.Later young Claudia finds out this using the map provided by her older. Using that machine she travels to future and learns about Egon Tiedemann’s(her father) death in 1987.Whereas Egon in 1987 now understands time travel is possible(by talking with Ulrich who trapped in 1953 and living in a mental asylum in 1987).He starts to doubt the power plant about this. This creates fallout between young Claudia (who tries to save him from death) and Egon and unexpectedly Claudia kills him (not by purpose). Young Jonas meets depressed Claudia and asks her to join with him as per the wish of old Claudia. (Question arises how Jonas reached 1987.He was at 2019, trying to stop his father’s death. It is only possible to travel back 33 years. May be, After took Mikkel to the cave he may reached 1986.Lived there because he has no duplicate in 1986 and waited for right time to meet Claudia as per older Claudia’s words).They travels into 2020 to enter the bunker( Only those who are in the bunker will survive). Claudia meets her daughter Regina (adult) and brings her too to the bunker. Jonas goes to his home to bring his mother to the bunker.

Claudia : little, young, old

By this time almost all characters in 2020 knew about time travel. Hannah knows it from adult Jonas. He also informs it to Charlotte Doppler, Peter Doppler and Katharina. Hannah steals the machine from him and gets settled in 1957. Martha, Magnus and Franzisca know about time travel from Bartroz (he had a machine given by Noah).This machine is later taken by Katharina to Adult Jonas. He saves Magnus, Fransisca and bartosz with this machine during the apocalypse. [Note: An adult version of Magnus and Franzisca can be seen in 1921 with Adam. They may be working for Jonas who becomes Adam later]

Franzisca : young, old

Magnus : young, old 

So during the time of apocalypse Peter Doppler, Elizabeth Doppler, Claudia, Regina and also teen Noah from 1921 is present in the bunker.

Noah is the most mysterious character in the show. He was actually a teenager belongs in 1921.He joins with Adam to create a world without time. An adult version of Noah can be seen in many time periods. He is making a time machine in 1987.Actually he was only a small prawn in Adam’s big game. His sister Agnes Nielsen is working undercover for Old Claudia (she is against Adam). Agnes joins with Noah again to work with Adam (by Claudia’s instruction) in 1957.Noah kills Old Claudia (in 1957) and understands Charlotte Doppler is his daughter. Later it is revealed that Elizabeth (daughter of Charlotte) is Noah's future wife and Charlotte is their daughter (happens years after apocalypse).May be Charlotte was actually born in the future and it Adam or someone gave her to Tannhaus by coming to past. By knowing the truths, Noah turns against Adam but Agnes (Appears in the same physic as 1954) kills him, in 1921.Adam then transfers teen Noah to 2020 to enter in the bunker. Now teen Noah is in bunker along with Elizabeth without knowing about Adam's play (beginning of last cycle).

 [Note that in 2020, Alexander (Real name is Boris Niewald but he impersonate as Alexander Köhler) is suspected by new police officer Clausen for the activities of plant. Later it is revealed that Alexander Köhler was actually Clausen’s brother who was gone missing. So he came to Winden in quest for his brother’s disappearance. ]

Clausen and team open the radioactive waste disposal but Charlotte tries to stop them because she knows the after effects .But they open the drums which has rock soiled with dark matter (There was an experiment conducted on god’s particle. These wastes were the remnants). This creates a portal which connects charlotte with Elizabeth in 1953.Meanwhile; Jonas meets Martha at his home, while he was searching for his mother. But it didn’t end up happily. Adam approaches there and kills Martha. He says the apocalypse will happen. Then surprisingly another Martha claims to be from another world, reaches there and escapes with Jonas using a ball like time travel machine. And finally the Black hole created over Winden ends up in an Apocalypse.

Thus the season 2 ends with the Apocalypse. Hope you got an overall idea about the story and characters. Expects Season 3 will clear remaining doubts. Comment your response and Share to the need if you find it helpful.

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