The most awaited dark season 2 is released on 21st June 2019.The second season is more omplicated mysterious and twisty compared to the first season and it also ends with a great twist.The final twist makes us eagerly wait for the third season.Netflix approved for season 3 and will be released on June 27 2020 ,probably.
So whats the second season all about.Lets see..
If you didn't watched season 2 yet please watch it and come back.Spoilers ahead!!
Before you see dark season 2 CLICK HERE read this for an overview of season 1.

Lets have a look at the main characters in s2.
1.Jonas - 3 versions exist,young,adult,old(Adam)
2.Claudia - 2 versions,adult and old
3.Noah - 2 versions,young and adult.

Lets see the main events of season 2 in a chronological order through the perspective of the above metioned characters.
Which will give us a simple explanation.

Events in the season 2 are distributed mainly in 4 years 1921,1954,1987,2020,and a small portion in the future 2053.

Young jonas at the end of s1 reached in 2052 as a result of some phenomenon caused by the closing of the portal in the cave.
It is done by adult jonas.Adult jonas in ep1 says that he tried to destroy the portal.but it only get closed.so young jonas cannot travel back.
Jonas in future learns about the apocalypse occured at winden in june 27 2020.He wants to go back and stop it somehow.In the nuclear power plant there is a sphere like thing which is said to be god's particle.The people in 2053 belives in prophecy,that the passage will open and it will lead them to paradise.Adult Elezabeth(daughter of charlotte)is their leader and those who trespass to the plant is hanged to death by them.
From the audio recordings of claudia(she survives the apocalypse)jonas learns that the god's particle can be used for time travelling.
He uses it and unfortunately reaches in 1921.In 1921, the passage in the cave was not created.There he meets Noah,both young and adult.
Actually Noah is a teenager of the year 1921 who works for Adam,to make the prophecy true.Jonas understands Adam is none other than his own older version!!Adam says he wants to create a new world,with out God,without Time(for him,time is God).He build a duplicate of god's particle
as that of one in 2053.And sends jonas to 2019 june 20.To stop his father's(michael\mikkel) suicide which caused the later events.
But Adam's plan was not to break the cycle,but to start the last cycle.From him,jonas realizes that it is he who brought little mikkel to the passage(may be for the beginning of next cycle.not yet revealed the reason)and caused all these.Old claudia approaches them and tells about Adam's plan and necessity of jonas's existence to fight against adam.If mikkel doesn't suicide jonas will not exist and so Adam.But Claudia informs about the world without jonas,which she says she saw,is terrible(How could she able to see that?not revealed). Thus mikkel suicides.

June 22,1987,old claudia meets adult one and informs about the the time travel.she then backs to 1954 and hides the time machine in their ground.
adult claudia digs out it in 1987,with the map given by older one.Noah knows claudia has the missing pages from Agnus,Noah's sister.He kills old claudia and realizes about his daughter.Noah visits charlotte in 2020 and reveals that she is his daughter.Charlotte begins to doubts on her own identity.Adult claudia uses the time machine,travels to future,learns about ragina and alexander and her father's(egon)death on 26 June 1987.Egon collects informations from ulrich(in mental hospital for 34 years)and about mikkel(apeared in 1986,now with Ines).He understands Ulrich is right and time travel is possible.He become suspicious about claudia,after seeing her reaction when he said her about time travel and the cave.He starts to doubt about the power plant.Claudia and team are running tests about the god's particle,in the plant.Egon tries to call police for searching the power plant,accidentally gets killed by claudia in june 26.
Then young jonas meets her and says her to join him,as per old claudia's words.(But how did jonas reached 1987 from 2019?time machine have a period of 33 years so how in 1987?May be he lived in 2019,and brought mikkel to passage in november for starting the cycle again.
after with the help of claudia he may reached in 1986,lived there until june 26.)

Noah understands from the last pages that Adam is against humanity.It is also revelead that charlotte is daughter of Noah and elizabeth(charlotte's daughter)
Noah gets killed by agnus,who rejoins with sic undus(Adam's team).Mean while young noah is traveled to 2020 june 27(day of apocalypse)
Only those who in the bunker will be survived.noah informed this to charlotte while meeting her.peter and elizabeth goes to the bunker.
Young jonas opens the passage with the time machine of adult claudia .they reches 2020.claudia visits regina(her daughter) and reaches in bunker with her.Young noah also reaches the bunker after after visiting adult jonas and manipulating him to become Adam.
At the same time charlotte reaches the power plant,where radioactive wastes are buried.Her collegue is to dig that out.She believes this has a trigger in all this.Young jonas meets with martha. eventually martha gets killed by Adam who reaches there.Adult jonas goes to magnus,francizca and bartoz and uses the time machine to save them.In the last scene,new Martha from another world approaches young Jonas and saves him.Finally the apocalypse occurs!!

1.Hannah travelled to 1954 and settled there.
2.Almost every main characters in 2020 known about time travel and what happened to Ulrich and Mikkel.
3.Sic mundus,The travelers team led by Adam who is jonas itself
4.Old Magnus(Ulrich's son) and old Francizca(Charlotte's daughter) is with adam in 1921(yet to reveal)
5.Only those in the bunker survived the apocalypse.which are Peter,Elizabth,Young Noah,Adult claudia,Adult Regina.
6.Other than them Adult jonas,francizca,magnus and bartoz travelled to another year.And young jonas is saved by new martha.
(Nothing more revealed about new martha.)

1.Young Noah and Elizabeth in the bunker will be survived.Later they may give birth to charlotte and somehow she may transfered to another
year.Probably by Adam.
2.Adult jonas gets manipulated by young Noah will become Adam.Magnus and Francizca escaped along with him.They may stand with him for the
creation of new world.
3.Yong jonas and adult claudia may joins again and start to fight against adam.Thus they become adult jonas and old claudia.Which will given
an explanation to their scenes in season 1.

There is one more year ahead of season 3.Lets wait and watch how it is!!

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