David lynch, an American film maker, always brings something different and mysterious in his works. Mulholland dr. is one among them.It is a 2001 released movie in a Neo-noir mystery genre. Its also a physiological thriller in its own way.

Betty, an innocent young girl, came to Hollywood with a passion in acting.She met a lady, who lost her memory in an accident, in her apartment. She doesn’t know even who she is. Betty calls her Rita and started to seek her identity. Betty tries to re-establish Rita's memory.When she checks Rita's purse, finds an unusual blue key and large amount of money. A lot of mysterious sub scenes are also shown along with this story. A horrible faced man behind a hotel, 2 people searching for a black haired women etc. But the main plot revolves around Betty and Rita.

The first half ends mysteriously and the movie shifts completely to another plot in the second half which had no relation with the first half, at first. Same actors, different names, different atmosphere, but something in common with first half.

What happened?? How both parts are connected? What is the mystery?

Like the entirety of Lynch's movies, it's anything but difficult to get enchanted in his special way to deal with each part of filmic workmanship and his tender loving care. Any genuine understudy of film (counting "rocker understudies"/"cinephiles") should examine Mulholland Drive; many will adore it. Lynch doesn't let anything pass unmanipulated. He incorporates splendid shading plans, (for example, the plenty of reds and pinks) with significant imagery. He utilizes sound, for example, the ringing phone persisting into the segment of score that tails it (when Betty first shows up at the air terminal). He guides his entertainers to convey their lines in a plenty of peculiar ways, for example, his trademark odd stops. He lets his odd and astonishing comical inclination jab through, for example, the name "Winkie's", and the "Wieners - made for Pinks" sign that give some insight to a portion of the shading imagery.

Lynch's tender loving care underway structure gives significant, unobtrusive pieces of information all through the film to assist one with opening the importance. It's fascinating to take note of that Lynch even obviously requests that the DVD writing computer programs be bizarre - there are no sections on the circle; you should either watch the film progressively or quick forward or rewind to return to specific focuses.

It is ideal to see this film specifically, instead of as a straight-forward account. also, value the way that lynch is a director who will in any case let you reach your own determinations. he has had numerous imitators starting late, especially in "vanilla sky", where a brain twisting film chooses to offer all of you the responses in the last surged five minutes, and you will presumably disregard that film when you leave the film. mulholland drive will frequently haunt you.

More than a thriller, it is mysterious and well made. Confusion arising second half makes us think more. David lynch repeats his style of making in this movie too. It is good choice for mystery movie fans.

Our rating : 8/10

Do watch and comment your responses.

*R rated movie*