'Sherlock', television series portrays the adventures of brilliant private detective Sherlock Holmes and his colleague Dr. Watson. It was telecasted in BBC ONE from 2010 to 2017 as four seasons. Each season containing 3 or 4 episodes.The series had a wide range of fans and it was one of the top rated series in BBC ONE.

Benedict cumber batch plays the role of Sherlock along with Martin freeman as Watson. Sherlock is the character created by sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The series is also based on the famous Sherlock stories written by him. So many movies and series were came based on Sherlock Holmes. But this series becomes different due to its making and difference in presentation.

What would be the changes if Sherlock is lived in this century.. That is the exact idea put forward by this series. They simply put Sherlock and his team in this modern age.
The original stories of Doyle are presented with some major twists. This makes the show unique from other Sherlock versions.
All the famous characters in the Sherlock novel are also recreated in this with modifications. Mycroft, Mrs Hudson, Inspector Greg, Professor Moriarty are also portrayed well in this series.Its not an exact visual recreation of novel. But it just takes the background of certain stories and is developed in a different way.

There are totally four seasons. First three seasons have three episodes each and last one have four.Arthur Conan Doyle's stories modified in a different background and with some new experimental twists,provides this epic show a classic fragrance. Being Sherlock as the fictional detective with huge fan base,the creators  Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat took a proper care in building the character and his ever favorite amigo Dr.Watson.A new making style,different from all the cliche ones,makes this an impressive one.First season begins with the encounter of Sherlock and Watson when Watson searching for a place to stay.Then it jumps to engaging paths.The cases and their fugitive to unveil the secrets.Show gives a chilling experience every time when Sherlock unleashes the mysteries.The background music,the one which apt to the thriller and which capable to give goosebumps ,are one of the best thing in the show.Benedict cumber batch as Sherlock and Martin freeman as Dr.Watson,Probably, the best combo in recent days.

Those who heard the stories of Sherlock and Watson,Those who admire the intelligence of Sherlock,it is your show!It has all the elements to make Sherlock fans interesting.Each episode of this series is thrilling and engaging. A must watch series for all thriller fans. The most appreciable factor is the direction and making style. Each episodes brings us to a different experience.Must watch for Sherlock fans.
Available in online streaming platforms.

Our rating: 9.5/10

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