Vellaipookkal is a 2019 released Tamil film,directed by vivek elangovan and starring Vivek, Charle, Dev, Pooja Devariya, Paige Henderson in main roles. Released in April 19,2019.It is basically a murder mystery type but different in the making pattern and background.  It is a fascinating wrongdoing spine chiller set in an area we've once in a while observed previously. The story begins with an accomplished cop Rudhran utilizing his insight to illuminate a wrongdoing with incredible pizazz. It is excellent and not overstated. The setting movements to Seattle in the USA where the characters are built up and tension waits from the earliest starting point. 

Ajay, child of Rudhran is hitched to an American lady, Alice. There is a grinding that Rudhran applies on being heartfelt with Alice then he doesn't ask his little daughter in law. There is additionally an away from of misconception between the son and the dad which isn't clarified before all else. 

In the mean time, there is an equal story that happens in a homestead, where a dump truck driver seizes youngsters, explicitly mishandles them, and sells them in return for drugs. He has an oppressed spouse and girl whom he torments and compromises as often as possible. Things take a turn when the principal capturing occurs. While Rudhran's police impulses motivate him to engage for the situation, Bharathi (Charlie) assumes a decent help job, in spite of the American Cops not letting them anyplace close to the wrongdoing scene. Rudhran thinks he had discovered the suspect however has he? 

All pros of the thriller at a glance 

Intriguing screen play bears the major credit to flash it as success.Very brilliantly written screenplay along with a fast paced mysterious and chilling mood.Yes,the directed need to be appreciated along with the writer for making a tremendous nail-biting thriller.In the case of performance,Veteran Mr. Vivek  steals the show.A new face of vivek, slipped from the comedy version,can be experienced in this film. Mesmerizing performances were put forward by the co-stars too. Charle, Paige Henderson, Pooja Devariyya, and all others made their best.Background score department and the cinematography teams also needs a better recognition.The suspense of the film,which is a crucial factor,also helped this movie to gain its fame by surprising the audience.
The screenplay, bearing and cinematography makes the film additionally intriguing. What's more, have a phenomenal peak. 

Who all can try this one:

Spine chiller fans ought to never miss this one. This film is worth watch to a wide range of Audience.A good thriller from Tamil industry,which we hope,will satisfy the thriller fans especially.A moderate rate of emotions  embedded in an Intriguing thriller.All can try this one.Hope it may never disappoint you.Not a minute-to-minute thriller,but have everything to make a thriller fan engaging.

Film files are accessible in telegram channels and Online streaming platforms.. 

Our rating : 8/10 

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