Mother! (2017)

Mother! is a an American film released in 2017, written and directed by Darren Aronofsky. Jennifer Lawrence plays the main character.

Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer are also starring. This movie cannot be considered as a complete thriller movie. But several moments and scenes makes it thrilling to watch. It can be considered as a well crafted mystery movie,which gives the audience a platform to interpret and conclude their own versions of the story. Director Darren Aronofsky's movies are basically mysterious, different and thought provoking in its genre. Mother! is also a thought provoking and intelligently made movie.

The story is about a young woman who lives with her husband in an isolated place. He is a writer, who is suffering from writers block and the women helps Him to come out of the difficulty. The arrival of some guests, A man and his wife, and the following events changes their life to another extent .The husband is so fond of the man and let him to stay with them by convincing the wife saying that the man is a fan of His works. The wife is modifying their home. But the interference of the couples makes her irritating. However the man and women breaks a crystal object which was kept safe by the husband. Before the couples leave the house, their sons arrive and a fight occurs. This ends up in a severe injury to one among them. The rest of the events turn the home like a haunted mansion.

It is an artistic film. The story is not what we have seen. As we saw, the things are unrelated, illogical and mysterious. But it generates a curiosity which makes us watch it throughout. As mentioned earlier, its the style of film making of Darren Aronofsky. The movie is little slow at the beginning up to a certain portion.Later it changes the mood completely. As it reaches the climax, it becomes more interesting and confusing as well. The climax portion gives an excitement. And end implicitly. More than a thriller movie it’s a one which generates curiosity and steals our attention. It is not every one's cup of tea. But those who love to watch different movies can definitely go for it.

The direction and cinematography are really appreciable. Each actor played their roles neatly. On performance Jennifer Lawrence nailed the show. Her astonishing performance gave life to the character and the entire film. The background music helps to increase the mysterious atmosphere during the climax portions. Expectation of minute by minute thriller may draw you back. The narration is entirely different. It is not a watch and leave type. Darren Aronofsky tried to convey something through his work. Apparently it may not be distinguishable for a normal audience, at which the film fails. An overall good entertainer which discusses a new theme in a non cliche manner, which makes this movie a must try piece. Different opinion may arouse from audience, but having a look at it for one time will be a good experience, at least in terms of acting direction or the theme. Anyone factor will strike you.

Our rating : 7.5 out of 10

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