Breathe is an Indian thriller series released in Amazon Prime on January 26, 2018.R.Madhavan,Amith Sadh, Sapna pabbi and Neena Kulkarni  plays the main roles. It is a crime thriller genre which depicts the adventures of a father to save his son from premature death. How much an innocent man can be cruel enough to save his loved one? This show is merely based on this question and the paths that the man takes for his aim. It shows a hero turning into villain situation where the audience is confused whether to consider him as a hero or villain. Madhavan plays the character Danny, the innocent and desperate father who turned evil for his son. Breathe is the second original series from Amazon prime whereas the first was ‘Inside edge’ released in 2017.The first season consists of eight episodes with a running time ranges between 30 to 40 minutes. First season ends with completion of the story. A second season for Breathe, with a new story and starring Abhishek Bachchan is all ready to release on July 10, 2020.


Denzil "Danny" Mascarenhas, A football coach, is struggling to keep his son Josh alive from Lung disorder. Aruna is the doctor of Josh, and Danny’s girlfriend. She informs that Josh is fourth on the lung recipient list and there is maximum six months for josh to get saved. Since his blood group is a rare one, it is a tough task to reach the first position. Danny decides to save josh at any cost which turned him into a serial killer who murders the organ donors with that blood group. In parallel, story of Kabir Sawant a depressed and alcoholic a police officer is also shown. He lost his daughter due to his own mistakes, which he thinks, and this turned him an alcoholic. When he was on the verge of divorce he had to take over the case and which ultimately lead to a cat and mouse game between Danny and Kabir. Watch the series to know what happened next and how it ended.


It is an engaging thriller. That is the prime factor to watch the show. There is lot of thrilling, nail-biting, seat edge moments in the show which makes you enthralled throughout. It can be said as a spine chiller with necessary elements to engage a thriller fan.

The tension buildup and the twists included in the show are best ones to be mentioned (some twists are predictable too).As it is a crime thriller there is something which triggers you to watch the show. Some methods chosen by Danny to eliminate his victims are shocking and breathtaking. This keeps you glued to the seat until the show is over.

Technical aspects are good. The direction, cinematography and especially the intriguing back ground music helped to raise the show to a technically good one.

It conveys a social message about the need and importance of organ donation. It implicitly criticizes the people those who are reluctant to donate organs on the basis of some religious believe. The team deserves real appreciation for talking about this problem.


The story is basically a mix of some other movies which we have seen many times. This drawback increases the predictability of the show to a great extent. Even the climax twist became predictable.  Almost all the events, except the killing methods, felt seen somewhere. The character of Kabir Sawant, a depressed alcoholic police officer is the iconic symbol of all the thrillers nowadays. It is sad that the same pattern is followed here. The show becomes failure in presenting freshness in its events and characters.

Logical mistakes are the main things that can’t be avoided from a movie or series recently. Even though it doesn’t kill the entertainment or eagerness to watch the show, it is a mentionable one if we think more about the story.

The last episode destroyed the chance for the series to become a great thriller. It has a good story buildup which made us watch till the last episode. But the finale had nothing to offer other than a predictable cliché climax.

About the performance of cast:

Madhavan had done a great job. It was him who holds the life of the show. He deserves a good appreciation. The performances, other than Madhavan and Neena kulkarni, were not much impressive. Amith sadh failed to create an emotional feeling with his depression, which he was supposed to be. Sapna pabbi’s over dramatic acting some time felt like a mega serial-wife character. But the kid as Josh had done an outstanding performance compared to those main stream actors.


It will be a good one time experience for a thriller fan, without any expectation. It may be disappoint you with the climax and the predictable events but can be watch for a good thrilling experience.

Rating: 7/10

*Above opinions are strictly personal. Do watch and enjoy the show*

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