Thriller suggestion : Happy death day

Today's movie suggestion :HAPPY DEATH DAY

Its a 2017 released English movie which includes in a genre of thriller-comedy.

Happy death day takes the premise of Bill Murray's classic comedy Groundhog Day and puts a slasher film spin on it. the comedy thriller stars Jessica rothe, Israel broussard, and Ruby Modine. Jessica Rothe plays "tree," a student and sorority member, at Bayside College that's murdered by a masked killer on campus only to wake up in bed to relive the same day over and over. And after repeating the same events that ultimately end with the same results she decides to try and figure out who keeps killing her. As silly and stupid as this movie can be it really is pretty funny and entertaining and it's also amusing to see the variety of deaths the main character experiences throughout the movie. it's not often we get a slasher film that has you jumping out of your seat out of fear one minute and has you rolling out of your chair laughing the next. And although the Groundhog Day-like plot device is interesting, it's never fully explained why the same day keeps repeating itself over and over again. But then again this isn't exactly the kind of movie that needs to make perfect sense. overall, happy death days and that's a horrifying horror with a comedic twist it's not the kind of movie that's going to give you nightmares but it will manage to force a few laughs out of you. It’s campy, it's fun, it's full of personality but it will leave most horror fans wanting a little bit more. That’s why we give happy death day a good rate.
Good things about the movie
Performance of Jessica rothe is the remarkable factor to watch the movie.She played the character well.Also the way she handled both humor and emotions was specially good.Moreover,the entertainment factor put forward by the film is way too high.The music also plays a good role to convert this comedy thriller into an engaging one.The direction was also good,although there are some drawbacks.
Drawbacks to mention
Characters ,other than tree is not explained well.The illogical portions are one of the drawbacks to mention.For this type of movies,there should be strong suspense or unpredictable thing.But in this one,the main suspense can be predictable to most of the people before it ends first half.That is the major draw back of the film. Moreover,it is a teenage film,which doesn't mean that it is intended to teenagers only.But it may be more enjoyable to teenagers compared to others. 
Overall verdict and rating for the movie:
The movie is enough thrilling but have a predictable climax. It is suitable for a one time watch with lots of comedy and thrills. Also by the amazing Performance by Jessica Roth who portrays the character tree.Those who loves thriller comedy genre can watch this one.
we Rate it: 7.5/10..
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