Thriller movie suggestion : The Flue (2013)

It is 2013 released South Korean movie which portrays the effects of a fast spreading flu.It is directed by renowned south korean film maker Kim Sung-su. And starring Soo Ae, Jang Hyuk, Park Min-ha  in main roles.It is basically a medical thriller which deals with a pandemic situation about H5N1 out break which could kill numerous people within a short span of time.It was released in August 14, 2013.It has a total run time of 121 minutes.This film done an extremely good job in the box office by collecting 19.8 million US dollars world wide and becoming a blockbuster.


The movie starts with a human transporting scene in which one is deceased. In parallel, story of a lady doctor, her child and a rescue officer who is in font with the doctor is also shown.Eventually the flu spreads and many lives are affected. The doctors and government has to take strong measures to save their country. The story becomes more complex when the heroine has to face a serious issue of her daughter along with her profession.How the disease spread?What was the after effect?How does it affect the lives of ordinary people and the nation?Are they able to survive or find a cure?These questions are explained in a thriller mood alongside the story of the doctor, her child.

Pros of the movie to discuss:

It is an out and out thriller which ensures several critical scenes which the viewers are forced to watch at their edge of the seat.It is challenging work for the directed to depict the situation caused by a rapid spreading flue,basically a disaster or pandemic type. But director Kim Sung-su never had fall in his aim.Well portrayal of the pandemic is done by conveying a critical situation feel among the audience.Which is a significant work.performers staging provides a better outlook to the thriller. Soo Ae as Kim In-hae, Jang Hyuk as Kang Ji-goo were remarkable.An important and most emotional performance is done by Park Min-ha as Kim Mi-reu.This little kid literally makes the viewers into tears during the climax.She deserves a special mention.The emotional scenes were really worked well mostly because of this kid's tremendous performance.

Overall thought about the movie:

The movie is basically an intriguing thriller. But it is also emotional and touching in some portions.All thriller fans and Korean movie lovers must watch this one.Those who interested in medical thrillers and disaster movies can also have a look at it.Not only thriller fans but it will preferable to all type of audience.It is not a realistic pandemic movie like 'contagion'.But it is a well made commercial entertainer with thrills and emotions.All should try to stream it.It will be a good experience.
Our rating : 8/10
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