Triangle is a 2009 mystery thriller film that was written and directed by Christopher Smith.

Triangle takes place in Florida and primarily follows Melissa George's character Jess who was on a sailing trip with five of her friends. This crew of friends eventually encounters a crazy storm that wrecks their good time and subsequent leadership as well. The group of friends eventually hops aboard a passing ocean liner. They look around for a little while. The ship is unoccupied, however before long they were attacked by a mysterious lunatic and things start getting pretty crazy out at sea and the rest of the film is spent primarily with Jess.

This is a really good and smart movie that will consistently surprise you at every turn if you let it. It will keep us on the edge of our seat while watching. because it has all the thriller elements. It succeeds at an even higher level in the mystery Department because it's a ton of subtle hands carefully placed at certain points that will lead you toward the answers you're seeking. as the story progresses you're going to have a ton of questions but in true mystery style the film expects you to take the information you've been given and draw your own conclusions.

it's a movie that requires active attention to understand and enjoy. it's not a film that you're going to get too much out of by idly viewing it. In order to really get everything out of the film that you're intended to, you need to actively pay attention and actively try to solve this mystery. you can very easily miss key pieces to the puzzle if you're not fully paying attention and considering all this.

Another reason triangle is so great is because of the acting performance from Melissa George. The film primarily follows Jess with the other characters being mixed in every now and then but Melissa George is fantastic in this movie. what's so great about her performance is that there's an almost exact parallel between what jess is feeling and what you're feeling as the viewer. She is just as confused as you are in the beginning and as she learns more, she begins to make more informed decisions about how to proceed based upon what she's learned. less far the deeper you get into the film the more you realized how layered her performances and just how effective she was in this role. it also speaks to just how well crafted and thought-out this plot is. but Melissa George is extremely compelling performance as Jess really helps keep you invested throughout.Also the direction and cinematography are too appreciable. The background music helps in keeping a mysterious mood throughout the film.

If you are planning to watch the movie please don't see the trailer. It has lots of spoilers. Directly go for it. All thriller, mystery fans would enjoy the film.
Our rating : 8/10

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